Now renamed ATEA College
Extending every child's gifts, meeting every child's needs

About Our Curriculum
The Carey College Curriculum blends
the best of New Zealand schooling,
the standards and insights of the Cambridge Assessment International Education curriculum, and
the clarity and goals of a biblical approach to nurturing children.
With the flexibility only possible in a small school where all children receive personal attention, we balance a structured syllabus with the needs and gifts of each child.Courses are integrated in seamless continuity from first till last day at school.
Years 1—6
A Head Start in the Basics
In Junior Primary we give children a head start in basics, a foundation for learning. They learn to read, do real maths, and explore the wonder and diversity of the world in which God has placed them.

Small, Nurturing Class
· 20 pupil maximum with small break-off groups as needed
· Learning adjusted to individual maturity and ability
· Attractive, modern computer-equipped classrooms
· Using the Cambridge Primary Curriculum and tests
A Curriculum that Works
· Using phonics, 5 year-olds normally learn to read to a tested 8 year reading level in their first year at school
· Children learn all four rules of arithmetic, and learn to use each of them with accuracy
· They learn to write stories that tell a story because their ideas are given order and structure—and they learn how to spell accurately, use good grammar, and present work in attractive hand-writing
· In Bible they learn how their daily work relates to what God tells us, how he sustains what he has created, and what he wants
· Basics of Writing, Spelling, Reading, Bible and Maths are extended to include Computing, Science, History, Geography, Physical Care, Art and Music
Years 7 & 8
Enrichment & Growth
In Senior Primary we continue teaching the basics but enrich the range of subjects and skills, provide opportunities for studies in more depth and develop independence in work habits.

Small Class, Individual Help
· 25 pupil maximum with break-off groups as needed
· Courses are adapted for each student to meet specific needs
· Attractive, modern computer-equipped classrooms
· Using the Cambridge Primary Curriculum and tests
Enriching the Basic Curriculum
· Development of the basics in Bible, English and Maths is maintained
· A balanced core curriculum includes Computing and IT, Science, History, Geography, Physical Care, Music and Art
· Pupils are introduced to languages (including French, Mäori, NT Greek & Hebrew)
· Increased emphasis is placed on independent research skills, evaluating and applying information, and responsible decision making
· Technology (including Electronics, Cooking, Woodwork, Crafts, Horticulture, and Technical Drawing) is introduced in years 7 & 8
· In years 7 & 8 exams are introduced (at the end of each year) and students exhibit their first independent research projects in public
The Cambridge International Curriculum &
Cambridge International Examinations
Carey College is a Cambridge Associate School blending the Cambridge Primary and Secondary Curriculum with our own courses.
Being a Cambridge Associate School ensures our teaching is to the highest measured international standards and presents opportunities for students in a range of qualifications recognised and respected world-wide.
College courses include options preparing students for Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) such as IGCSE and A Levels.
Why Cambridge?
· CIE meets our standards and NZQA qualifications (eg NCEA) do not
· Our Christian perspective is respected and accepted within the CIE framework
· CIE qualifications are recognised all over the world
· They are trustworthy and external-exam based
· They are structured around a challenging, quality curriculum that fits our aims
· They are flexible, meeting the needs of both vocational and academic students
· Cambridge University is one of the world’s most respected universities