Now renamed ATEA College
Dedicated to equipping each child with knowledge & skill for success

About Carey College
Internationally recognised as an innovative leader in education for over 25 years, Carey College is small by design. That gives us the flexibility, small classes and extensive course options that grow each child's knowledge, faith, values and skills. Success is experienced, service is modelled, faith and excellence valued.
Classes are small. Students are able to be taught and achieve as individuals. The particular skills, knowledge and needs key to each child's learning are identified and shape personal learning. Christian character and attitudes, such as planning ahead, managing feelings, facing challenges, persevering, caring for others, sharing and working together, and living by faith, are taught and modelled.
Our Heritage

Part of our 25th Birthday Celebrations
Carey College is named after pioneer missionary William Carey. His life is an outstanding example of Christian faith applied to practical living and useful service. He exemplifies the Christianity the College is committed to.
The college opened in 1988 as a Primary School and added its first Primary Distance Learning pupils in 1989. As the College has grown, so too has its ministry, with Secondary Distance Learning pupils beginning in 1991 and the Secondary Class in 1993.
Our College motto is Psalm 36:9: "For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light" The Bible is God’s Word to guide and direct every part of the Christian’s life. We use it to shape our teaching methods and the content of lessons. Our courses teach children to look to the Bible to shape their studies and to help them be discerning as they confront the varied fields of knowledge that make up the school curriculum. In this way we aim to help parents train children in faithful service to Christ.
Our Faith

Lunchtime music
At the very heart of the Christian faith, and therefore at the very heart of the ministry of Carey College, is this declaration about Jesus: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."
(John 1:1-5)
Among the key principles of the Christian faith that influence the character of the College and are incorporated into its Statement of Faith are:
The Bible is the Word of God
God, eternal in three Persons, is the Creator and Sovereign of Heaven and Earth
The Lord Jesus Christ became man (while remaining fully God), died to save his people from their sins, rose, is alive for ever more and will return in glory
The fear of God is necessary for true knowledge and wisdom
Teaching is a spiritual activity
If you would like a copy of our full Statement of Faith, based on the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith as its doctrinal foundation, it can be read here,
Our Aims

The main goal of education is to teach children to glorify, serve and enjoy their Creator. It is only as God is reverenced and known that any fact is properly understood or able to be wisely used.
Carey College is dedicated to helping parents nurture a generation for Christ in excellence and truth. To do this we have two aims:
We aim to bring children to a knowledge of Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord by challenging children to believe in Christ, and showing them how his Lordship applies in every part of the curriculum
We aim to bring children to self-disciplined maturity, able to live vital, Christ-like lives as effective citizens, by laying a solid foundation of skills, knowledge and Christian values
Weta Dissection
Our Staff
Our staff are selected for their abilities as skilled teachers and because they have the special qualities that will provide children with examples to follow.
They are vital Christians who know how the Bible shapes the content and methods of their teaching so that everything they do in the classroom points children to God's ways.

Eunice Hall

Glenn Stewart

Stephen Bier

Lisa-Marie Daynes

Helen Lien
Our Latest ERO Report
The ERO (Education Review Office) is the Government agency responsible for ensuring schools comply with the law (measured against specific criteria of "suitability" for registration). At the same time, ERO Reports (produced every 3 to 5 years) can give an insight into the character and quality of a school. Here are extracts from our most recent (2019) Report.
"The school meets the curriculum criterion for registration. The curriculum applies a biblical world view to each subject. The school’s founding curriculum document In God’s World underpins the teaching programmes. Aspects of the Cambridge International Curriculum are integrated into student learning and assessment. The curriculum is well communicated to parents. They are able to track their children’s progress and achievement closely. Careful consideration is given to ensuring senior students have appropriate learning pathways."
"The school has suitable standards of tuition. Formal instructional teaching is the dominant mode of curriculum delivery. Teachers know their students well and students receive considerable amounts of individual attention. Classes are settled working environments. Students are well behaved and quickly develop a strong work ethic. Each class has several year levels and students readily develop the skills of working independently."
"A significant development is the expansion of information and communication technologies (ICT) to support teaching and learning programmes. The use of ICT by the school is enabling students, teachers and parents to communicate more easily and helps parents become more involved in the curriculum."
"International Students are well cared for, and where applicable, their accommodation is closely monitored. Students’ academic progress and achievement is well monitored and shared with students, parents and caregivers. Learning pathways are planned to prepare students for their tertiary studies. International students are well integrated into the school community."